Seeds in traditional Chinese medicine
Chinese medicine includes many forms of herbal medicine, massage (tui na), exercise (tai chi), dietary therapy and acupuncture, all of these technique are well documented and used in modern medicine to treat and prevent illness. We have gathered a list of the most beneficial seeds in TCM according to research.
Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds have long been valued in Chinese medicine as a source of the mineral zinc, and the World Health Organization recommends their consumption as a good way of obtaining this nutrient. These seeds also contain wide variety of nutrients ranging from magnesium and manganese to copper and protein, pumpkin seeds are nutritional powerhouses wrapped up in a very small package. They also contain plant compounds known as phytosterols and free-radical scavenging antioxidants, which can give your health an added boost.
As a Chinese herb it is always used in the raw form. And medicinally it is widely used for killing intestinal parasites, preventing prostatic diseases, benefiting pregnant women, protecting gum and alveolar bone in the elderly, improving low milk supply, and so on.
Cowherb Seed
Also known as Vaccaria, this sees has some amazing benefits such as promoting good blood flow and treating wounds by stopping bleeding. Not to mention, clinically it is still an essential medicine for irregular menstruation, lack of breast milk supply, dystocia, carbuncles and boils, and the list go on.
Vaccaria seeds contain chemical compounds called saponins, which usually pass through the body without causing harm, but can be toxic if consumed in large quantities. Therefore, vaccaria seeds should be used with extreme by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
A common technique in Chinese medicine called ear seeds, it work by placing the Small black seeds from the Vaccaria plant in the ear with a piece of adhesive tape over specific acupuncture points. This Chinese Medicine technique is often used to reduce food, cigarette and drug cravings. They can also be used for many other conditions such as chronic pain, depression, digestive problems or insomnia.
Peach Seeds
Peach Seed is another traditional Chinese herb that invigorates blood and dispels blood stasis, It also helps activates blood circulation, breaks blood stasis, moistens intestines and unblocks the bowels
Peach trees are native to Northwest China where it was first domesticated and cultivated. Peaches like dry, continental or temperate climates. The trees have a chilling requirement that prevents them from being cultivated in tropical climates. They like full sun, nitrogen-rich soil and are planted in the early winter.
Cannabis seeds
In china all parts of the cannabis plant — the seed, leaves, oil, roots and flowers are used for medicinal purposes for more than 2000 years. References to cannabis can be found throughout classical Chinese literature, Forms of cannabis have been used to treat nausea, pain, inflammation, constipation, coughing, colitis, rheumatism, bacterial infections, insomnia, anxiety, loss of appetite. It was typically brewed and ingested in herbal decoctions.
Modern science has shown that marijuana contains chemical compounds that have analgesic and antispasmodic effects, which can help relieve tension and soothe pain. The seeds are usually crushed for consumption, and can be added to laxative and diuretic concoctions, as well as tonic infusions. Seeds would sometimes also be used to eliminate intestinal parasites, stimulate blood flow, protect the stomach lining, and boost metabolic functions.
They are Small black seeds from the Vaccaria plant are secured in the ear with a piece of adhesive tape over specific acupuncture points. This is a common technique used in seeds is a common technique in Chinese Medicine often used to reduce food, cigarette and drug cravings. They can also be used for many other conditions such as chronic pain, depression, digestive problems or insomnia.